How to Turn More Lawyers into Rainmakers

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Includes a Live Web Event on 04/23/2025 at 2:00 PM (CDT)


In today’s competitive legal landscape, every lawyer has the potential to be a rainmaker — someone who not only excels in legal practice but also brings in business and builds lasting client relationships. This webinar is designed for leaders who want to learn how to elevate the business development skills of the lawyers in their firms. As a leader, one of your main roles is getting your lawyers to generate more revenue. As the wizards behind the curtain, what tools and approaches do you have at your disposal to make that happen? In this webinar, David Freeman, JD, will share insights collected from a five-week mastermind program conducted with 20 professional development experts from Am Law 200 firms.  


  • Understand how they can drive more, and better, business development activity in their firms. 
  • Learn approaches to provide training that can make an impact.  
  • Develop systems to keep business development an ongoing part of the firm’s culture. 
  • Promoting a firmwide culture of business development. 
  • Identify leadership responsibilities to drive action and foster greater internal collaboration. 

CLM®Application Credit: 1 hour(s) of Organizational Devlopment 

CLM® Application Credit for Functional Specialists: 1 hour(s) in the subject area of Human Resources Management (HR) towards the additional hours required of some Functional Specialists to fulfill the CLM application. 

CLM® Recertification Credit: 1 hour(s) in the subject area of Human Resources Management (HR) 

David Freeman, J.D. (Moderator)

David H. Freeman, JD, is a former practicing lawyer from New York, an award-winning consultant and a two-time best-selling author. He’s a member of the National Law Journal Hall of Fame for being voted the No. 1 business development consultant and coach in the United States for several consecutive years. Freeman is the founder of David Freeman Consulting Group, and he’s trained and coached well over 10,000 lawyers in over 200 law firms worldwide. He’s worked with nearly half of the Am Law 200, is the author and co-author of 14 books on law firm business development and leadership, and he is the creator of Lawyer BookBuilder, an online self-study program that shows lawyers how to become exceptional rainmakers.


Live Viewing: 1.00 Operations Management credit and certificate available
Live Viewing: 1.00 Operations Management credit and certificate available The webinar introduced the three secrets of best-in-class financial performance: People, Product and Process.
How to Turn More Lawyers into Rainmakers
04/23/2025 at 2:00 PM (CDT)  |  60 minutes
04/23/2025 at 2:00 PM (CDT)  |  60 minutes In today’s competitive legal landscape, every lawyer has the potential to be a rainmaker—someone who not only excels in legal practice but also brings in business and builds lasting client relationships. This webinar is designed for leaders who want to learn how to elevate the business development skills of the lawyers in their firms. As a leader, one of your main roles is getting your lawyers to generate more revenue.