Branding for Lawyers: Personal vs. Law Firm Branding

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Includes a Live Web Event on 05/28/2025 at 2:00 PM (CDT)


Lawyer branding is a hot topic. Should the firm brand be king? Should the individual brand be king? Can the two brands coexist? Marketing and branding for lawyers is a hot topic these days, especially if one considers the impact on business development, personal lawyer development, conflict with billable hours, loyalty and compensation. It all depends on the perspective of the individual lawyer and/or the partners or management group within the firm. There are always competing arguments, and no clear answer to what is right or what is wrong. In this webinar, attendees will hear two conflicting arguments about how the brand can be leveraged, and what competing factors are at play that make the ultimate decision for you, the individual lawyer, so tough.


  • Discover how lawyers will be affected by branding, both as they start out in their careers, and as their experience grows. 
  • Determine what factors should they consider when deciding on their need for business development 
  • Identify if lawyers should own their own brand or if their brand subservient to their firm’s brand. 
  • Question if law firms should be intransigent in thinking that their brand should always be king. 

$39 for members and $99 for nonmembers

CLM® Application Credit: 1 hour(s) of Legal Industry/ Business Management (LI) 

(Session may not qualify for Application Credit) 

CLM® Application Credit for Functional Specialists: 1 hour(s) in the subject area of Legal Industry/ Business Management (LI) towards the additional hours required of some Functional Specialists to fulfill the CLM application. 

CLM® Recertification Credit: 1 hour(s) in the subject area of Legal Industry/ Business Management (LI) 

(Attendees and members may select only one credit option. Please select the most appropriate credit for your participation.) 

Neville Pokroy (Moderator)

Mastermind Solutions

Neville Pokroy spent 16 years helping a midsize law firm in Ontario, redefine themselves, create a new marketing strategy for growth and become a Top 10 Regional Law firm. He also coached their lawyers to become business developers so that they can add value to themselves as lawyers, and to the firm as contributors to their successful growth.


Live Viewing: 1.00 Legal Industry/ Business Management (LI) credit and certificate available
Live Viewing: 1.00 Legal Industry/ Business Management (LI) credit and certificate available The webinar introduced the three secrets of best-in-class financial performance: People, Product and Process.
Branding for Lawyers: Personal vs. Law Firm Branding
05/28/2025 at 2:00 PM (CDT)  |  60 minutes
05/28/2025 at 2:00 PM (CDT)  |  60 minutes Lawyer branding is a complex issue, with debates over whether the firm brand or the individual brand should take precedence, and whether both can successfully coexist. This webinar explores the competing factors influencing branding decisions, including business development, personal growth, loyalty, and compensation, offering two contrasting arguments on how to leverage each brand effectively.