2025 HR A Package

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This package provides access to HR 1 & HR 2. Completing the HR 1 and HR 2 courses and passing the certificate exam will help you deepen your knowledge about law firm human resource management, ensure your achievement of the learning objectives, and give you a credential that sets you apart. Learn more about the Legal Management Specialist Certificate that you can earn here

$999 for members and $1,249 for nonmembers

  • Product not yet rated Contains 25 Component(s), Includes Credits Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 04/03/2025 at 12:00 PM (CDT)

    The second of this two-course series will provide additional Human Resources fundamentals for those workers touching the HR function without necessarily having an HR background. This course will cover more strategic HR initiatives, helping you directly and by extension your employee group, to deliver on strategic goals. We will pay special attention to Federal employment laws as they guide the functional areas addressed in the course. The objective of this course is to support the work you do in your role and build your knowledge of and confidence in making effective employment-related HR decisions.

    The second of this two-course series will provide additional Human Resources fundamentals for those workers touching the HR function without necessarily having an HR background. This course will cover more strategic HR initiatives, helping you directly and by extension your employee group, to deliver on strategic goals. We will pay special attention to Federal employment laws as they guide the functional areas addressed in the course. The objective of this course is to support the work you do in your role and build your knowledge of and confidence in making effective employment-related HR decisions.

    The topics include:

    • Week One: Leadership — Being a great leader and building leaders throughout your organization (Key areas: Building your network, change management, leadership and motivation theories, strategic planning, and succession planning)
    • Week Two: Compensation and Benefits — Identify and implement a successful philosophy to your total rewards (Key areas: Philosophy of compensation, benefits package for recruitment and retention)
    • Week Three: Risk and Rewards — What to plan for, build towards, and mitigate within your organization (Key areas: Risk management and technology considerations)
    • Week Four: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging and Justice — Be transformative in building your culture, with particular emphasis to DEI (Key areas: Understanding terms, execution of initiatives, and why it matters)
    • Week Five: Federal Employment Laws 2 — Key laws that drive the employment experience (Key areas: Review of select Federal laws)
    • Week Six: Where to Go from Here — Plotting your future from an HR perspective (Key areas: Certification opportunities and course review)

    The live Zoom lessons will be held on Thursdays from 12-1 p.m. Central Time. These lessons will also be recorded for on-demand access.

    Audience Level


    Completing both HR 1 and HR 2 courses gives you access to the Legal Management HR Specialist Certificate Program.

    CLM Credits

    Meet minimum course requirements and earn these credits toward your CLM application or recertification.

    • Application: 5 hours of credit in Organizational Development
    • Functional Specialist Credit: 5 hours of credit in Human Resources Management
    • Recertification: 5 hours of credit in HR Management and 1 hour of credit in Substance Abuse

    Continuing Education Credits


    Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) The Association of Legal Administrators is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. This program has been submitted for 6 PDCs. 

    Knowledge Domains: HR Expertise; Critical Evaluation; Relationship Management


    HR Certification Institute (HRCI) The HR 2 Course has been pre-approved for 6 hours of recertification credits toward PHR and SPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at www.hrci.org. The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the activity. It means that this activity has met the HR Certification Institute’s criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit.

    Functional Areas: Total Rewards; Talent Planning and Acquisition; Talent Development and Management

    Course Requirements

    Each course has a start and end date. To receive the course completion certificate and CLM, SHRM and HRCI credits, all weekly assignments must be completed and quizzes passed with a score of 70% or higher by the last day of the course.

    John Newton, SHRM-SCP, SPHR (Moderator)

    John Newton and Associates

    John Newton, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, is a Human Resources and Learning and Development professional. He is a coach, consultant, trainer, teacher and public speaker who specializes in helping people and organizations reach their ultimate potential. His company, John Newton and Associates (JNA), provides people-development services in higher education, government, non-profit and for-profit organizations within a diverse variety of industries. Newton’s philosophy is “Kindness is the bottom line.” Be kind to your employees and they will remain engaged and motivated — employees who know they matter will be more productive, positively impacting your company’s bottom line. Be kind to your customers and they will come back for more — customer loyalty builds business and your bottom line. He has been an instructor for DePaul University and Northern Illinois University for nearly 20 years. 

  • Product not yet rated Contains 27 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The first of this two-course series will provide key Human Resources fundamentals for those workers touching the HR function without necessarily having an HR background. You’ll get tips and guidance towards building and maintaining an engaged workforce, helping to contribute to your organization’s strategic goals. Special attention will be paid to the federal employment laws from an HR -- rather than lawyer -- perspective. The objective of this course is to support the work you do in your role and provide consultation on effective employment-related decision-making.

    The first of this two-course series will provide key Human Resources fundamentals for those workers touching the HR function without necessarily having an HR background. You’ll get tips and guidance towards building and maintaining an engaged workforce, helping to contribute to your organization’s strategic goals. Special attention will be paid to the federal employment laws from an HR -- rather than lawyer -- perspective. The objective of this course is to support the work you do in your role and provide consultation on effective employment-related decision-making.  

    The following is an outline of the topics:

    • Week 1: Human Resources Overview — A big-picture look at what people serving some or all of the HR function should know (Key areas: What is HR?, Employee Lifecycle, and knowledge, skills, and abilities that will help you thrive in your role)
    • Week 2: Talent Acquisition and Planning — Finding and securing rock star talent that fits your organization (Key areas: Job analysis, recruiting in today’s environment, interviewing, and onboarding)
    • Week 3: Engaging and Retaining Your Workforce — Making your organization a great place to work and maintaining it (Key areas: Employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and retention tips)
    • Week 4: Performance Management — From coaching to termination (Key areas: Performance management, disciplinary process, employee relations, and labor relations)
    • Week 5: What Do Employees Need from You — Designing your role and approach to serve employee needs (Key areas: Core competencies, employee development)
    • Week 6: Employment Laws (Federal) Part One — Key laws that drive the employment experience (Key areas: Review of select Federal laws, course review)

    The live Zoom lessons will be held on Thursdays from 12-1 p.m. Central Time. These lessons will also be recorded for on-demand access.

    Audience Level


    Completing both HR 1 and HR 2 courses gives you access to the Legal Management HR Specialist Certificate Program

    CLM Credits

    Meet minimum course requirements and earn the following credit towards your CLM application or recertification.

    • Application: 6 hours of credit in Organizational Development
    • Functional Specialist Credit: 6 hours of credit in Human Resources Management
    • Recertification: 6 hours of credit in Human Resources Management

    Course Requirements

    Each course has a start and end date. To receive the course completion certificate and CLM credits, all weekly assignments must be completed and quizzes passed with a score of 70% or higher by the last day of the course.

    John Newton, SHRM-SCP, SPHR (Moderator)

    John Newton and Associates

    John Newton, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, is a Human Resources and Learning and Development professional. He is a coach, consultant, trainer, teacher and public speaker who specializes in helping people and organizations reach their ultimate potential. His company, John Newton and Associates (JNA), provides people-development services in higher education, government, non-profit and for-profit organizations within a diverse variety of industries. Newton’s philosophy is “Kindness is the bottom line.” Be kind to your employees and they will remain engaged and motivated — employees who know they matter will be more productive, positively impacting your company’s bottom line. Be kind to your customers and they will come back for more — customer loyalty builds business and your bottom line. He has been an instructor for DePaul University and Northern Illinois University for nearly 20 years. 

  • Product not yet rated Contains 2 Component(s)

    Completing the HR 1 and HR 2 courses and passing the certificate exam will help you deepen your knowledge about law firm human resource management, ensure your achievement of the learning objectives, and give you a credential that sets you apart.

    Completing the HR 1 and HR 2 courses and passing the certificate exam will help you deepen your knowledge about law firm human resource management, ensure your achievement of the learning objectives, and give you a credential that sets you apart. Learn more about the Legal Management Specialist Certificates here.


    • Pass this exam with a 70% or higher in order to receive the Legal Management HR Specialist Certificate. 
    • While you are not timed, the exam must be completed in a single sitting. If your computer times out from inactivity, your responses will not be saved. 
    • Correct answers will not be shared afterward. You will only be able to view your score. 
    • If you do not pass the exam, a page will display with directions describing how to retake the exam. Since the exam can only be retaken once, please take time to review the materials from both HR courses as the questions on this exam are only based on items covered in those courses.

    Please contact elearning@alanet.org with any questions you may have. Best of luck!