ADA and ADAAA Training for Human Resources

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Recorded On: 02/13/2018

It's important for law firm employers to develop policies and procedures that identify and effectively respond to disabled employees and requests for reasonable accommodation. And recent changes and court interpretations to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) — specifically the expansion of the definition of employees considered disabled under the ADA and increase in Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) charges alleging violations of the ADA — make it even more of a priority. Participants will be able to identify triggers to the ADA interactive process, develop a systematic process for responding to requests for accommodation, and learn the most common reasonable accommodations that must be provided to employees.


  • Recognize the provisions of the ADA and ADA Amendments Act.
  • Develop knowledge on the most recent EEOC and court interpretations of who is considered a disabled employee under the ADA.
  • Identify when employees are requesting reasonable accommodation and triggering the interactive process.
  • Outline how to assist employees and applicants requesting reasonable accommodation.

Audience: Intermediate

Audience Statement: This session assumes that participants have a working knowledge of human resource management in the legal industry and U.S labor and employment laws. No advance preparation is required.

$29 for members and $79 for nonmembers


Recorded 02/13/2018
Recorded 02/13/2018
1.00 CLM, HRCI, CLE credit unit credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CLM, HRCI, CLE credit unit credit  |  Certificate available

​Renee Culotta, JD

Renee Culotta, JD, has practiced labor and employment law for 20 years. Her expertise is in providing proactive employment counseling to avoid litigation. She is a frequent speaker, training management and employees on myriad employment issues. Culotta is also an experienced litigator, having successfully defended harassment and discrimination lawsuits, including claims involving age, race, sex, religious and disability discrimination.

60 Minutes

CLM App Management Category: Human Resources Management 

CLM Recertification Eligible: Yes

CLE: Law Practice Management

HRCI: General Credit