Ransomware Reshaped: Evolving Your Defenses

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Ransomware is evolving! High-profile law enforcement takedowns are making cybercriminals change their strategies, and your old prevention methods don't work like they used to. Attackers are using sneaky new tactics to stay under the radar longer, target your cloud data and cause massive disruptions to your business. Join us for a deep dive into the modern methods that criminals rely on to carry out their attacks.


What happens to your data after it’s been stolen? Get an in-depth walkthrough of a ransomware attack with screenshots and videos. Find out how bad patch management can be a green light for criminals in your network and why protecting your cloud data is a top priority. Along the way we’ll give you practical tips to stopping ransomware attacks before they even begin. Don't be caught off guard when it really matters. Learn how to protect your network and keep from becoming the latest headline!



·       Explain how cybercriminals lurk in your network and steal data.

·       Describe how the data that you maintain is monetized by cybercriminals.

·       Show why patching and software maintenance are important to a good defense.

·       Apply simple but effective cybersecurity practices that keep hackers away.


Level: Essentials

$39 for members and $99 for nonmembers


Ransomware Reshaped: Evolving Your Defenses
06/12/2024 at 2:00 PM (CDT)  |  Recorded On: 06/12/2024  |  60 minutes
06/12/2024 at 2:00 PM (CDT)  |  Recorded On: 06/12/2024  |  60 minutes Ransomware is evolving! High-profile law enforcement takedowns are making cybercriminals change their strategies, and your old prevention methods don't work like they used to. Attackers are using sneaky new tactics to stay under the radar longer, target your cloud data and cause massive disruptions to your business. Join us for a deep dive into the modern methods that criminals rely on to carry out their attacks. What happens to your data after it’s been stolen? Get an in-depth walkthrough of a ransomware attack with screenshots and videos. Find out how bad patch management can be a green light for criminals in your network and why protecting your cloud data is a top priority. Along the way we’ll give you practical tips to stopping ransomware attacks before they even begin. Don't be caught off guard when it really matters. Learn how to protect your network and keep from becoming the latest headline!
Live and Archive Viewing: 1.00 CLM Credit Unit credit and certificate available
Live and Archive Viewing: 1.00 CLM Credit Unit credit and certificate available This session provides valuable information to any size firm where you will work through a check list of key components that should be a part of every written Business Continuity plan. That checklist can then be used to assess and revise your firm’s current plan.

Matt Durrin

Director of Training & Research

LMG Security

Matt Durrin is the Director of Training & Research at LMG Security, a Black Hat USA instructor and co-author of the book Ransomware and Cyber Extortion. He holds his computer science degree from the University of Montana and his malware research has been featured on “NBC Nightly News”. 

CLM®Application Credit: 1 hour(s) of Information Technology 

CLM® Application Credit for Functional Specialists: 1 hour(s) in the subject area of Operations Management  (OM) towards the additional hours required of some Functional Specialists to fulfill the CLM application. 

CLM® Recertification Credit: 1 hour(s) in the subject area of Operations Management  (OM) 

*Please contact certification@alanet.org for information regarding continuing education credits. CE credit offered for this program is applicable to the 2024, 2025, and 2026 calendar years.