VC20: HR14 Bias and Discrimination During Times of Crisis

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Recorded On: 06/25/2020

Times of crisis induce fear, frustration and anger. They also result in heightened levels of expressions of bias and discrimination, typically directed against marginalized groups. During the pandemic, anti-Asian/anti-immigrant violence and hate crimes have surged, and discrimination against racial minorities seeking health care were an undercurrent to reports of daily infection and death rates. And while fears of African Americans are part of a four-century history of anti-Black bias in this country, racial minorities were often the groups who, by virtue of their marginalization, found themselves incentivized to take on some of the more dangerous work during the pandemic: health care providers, cleaning and sanitation crews, and delivery and transport workers. As lawyers and legal professionals, we may feel somewhat removed, perhaps even protected, from that. But should we? As a profession, how do we recognize and respond to bias or discrimination arising from concerns about the pandemic, including identifying possible new ways that they might manifest in the current environment? How do we begin to prepare for the effects of that bias or discrimination once life begins to return to something resembling the pre-pandemic normal? 


  • Illustrate how to recognize and respond to bias and discrimination 
  • Explain how bias and discrimination may manifest in the current environment 
  • Identify possible effects of bias and discrimination once we return to the pre-pandemic normal. 

Other Information: 

Educational Category: Human Resources Management 

60 Minutes 

Audience: Essentials 

CLM App Management Category -FS: Human Resources Management 

CLM Recertification Eligible: Yes 

HRCI: General Credit 

SHRM: Relationship Management 

SHRM Learning Format: Instructor-Led Activity 

CLE: Recognition and Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession and Society 

CPE Field of Study: Personnel/HR CPE 

Audience: Basic 

CPE Credit Eligible: 1 

CPE Prerequisites: None 

CPE Advanced Preparation: None 

Group Live - Presented Online Due to COVID-19

Sharon Jones

Sharon Jones is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Jones Diversity, Inc., a diversity and inclusion strategy consulting firm. Her firm's services include the hiring, development and retention of di-verse employees into leadership roles. Jones has practiced law and been a community leader over a 25-year career, including positions as a federal prosecutor, with major law firms, and with Fortune 500 corporations. She is the author of Mastering the Game: Career Strategies for Success, which provides the unwritten rules for career success for women and diverse professionals. Sharon is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard College.

Sandra Yamate

Sandra S. Yamate is the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Inclusion in the Legal Profession (IILP). IILP is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to creating a more diverse and inclusive legal profession through research and educational programming. She frequently speaks and writes about diversity and inclusion issues within the legal profession. Sandra earned her JD from Harvard Law School and her bachelor's in political science (cum laude) and history (magna cum laude) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Conference Recording
Recorded 06/25/2020
Recorded 06/25/2020
1.00 CLM, HRCI, SHRM, CLE, CPE credit unit credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CLM, HRCI, SHRM, CLE, CPE credit unit credit  |  Certificate available